Sunday, June 28, 2009

Featherstone Farm

Ann and I visited Featherstone Farm in Rushford, MN this weekend. Featherstone is our CSA ("community supported agriculture") farm. We get a nice box of organic, pesticide-free food in exchange for our investment (actually, we're sharing our box with a friend this year).

Here are some pictures. The fish is from a Friday fish fry near La Crosse and the train depot shots were taken on Saturday evening when the Amtrak train passed through town on its way west.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Wrigley Field

Some photos from yesterday's Cubs-Astros game at Wrigley.

Photos were taken from the upper deck but look closely and you might recognize the lanky, tall dude in the suit in front of the Cubs dugout. That's Conan O'Brien. He was doing a bit before the game started where he ran across the field while being (fake) chased by security. I'm guessing the footage will be used on the Tonight Show opener on June 1st.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Ann turns 40

Celebrated Ann's 40th today at one of her favorite places: the Leaning Tower of Pizza in Uptown.

Here are a few photos. Nice to see everyone who was there!

Photo geek note: I like our point-and-shoot for convenience but results are pretty grainy in low-light situations. I'd like to get something with a faster lens that doesn't feel like a brick when you're carrying it around.

Friday, April 10, 2009

The Future of Baseball

Wacky predictions about the future of baseball. I'm guessing this was made in the 70s. Yet more evidence reminding us to always question the predictions of futurists.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

San Diego visit

Just got back from a long weekend in San Diego. Here are some pictures from the San Diego Model Railroad Museum in Balboa Park. The picture quality isn't ideal because I left the point-and-shoot camera at the hotel and was stuck with the cell phone camera.

Here are some more photos (a little over 50) from the rest of the trip. Most of them are from the Carlsbad Flower Fields, the Self-Realization Fellowship gardens and the USS Midway museum.

The Self-Realization Fellowship gardens along the shoreline in Encinitas were a real find. They were not extensive (maybe one mile of walking paths?) but they are spectacularly beautiful and very peaceful. And no, Ann and I aren't converting -- we just went to check out the gardens. Although I did read "Autobiography of a Yogi" years ago, which is about the founder of the institution, and I remember it being a pretty good book.